Musical Ride with a theme or story – led

Winner for 2023 Mudgee Centre

“Everyday Hero’s”

Winner for 2023 Goulburn Centre

“Can’t Stop The Feeling”

Good Sports Documents

Please click below for our Good Sports Certificate and Good Sports Policy


Once again Racing NSW has included RDA (NSW) as a selected charity in the Golden Eagle Race this coming Saturday.

The horse we have been partnering with is a Japanese 3year named OBAMBURUMAI

Fingers crossed for a successful race for this young man.


Local heroes celebrated in Awards Ceremony

Volunteers Celebrated in Central West Awards Ceremony

Adult Volunteer of the Year – Tracy Lucas

The Chairperson of Riding for the Disabled Association (NSW), Tracy gives her time as a senior volunteer coach with the Mudgee Riding for the Disabled Association, where she helps to prepare and supervise weekly lessons for the centre’s 32 riders.

Her tireless efforts go towards ensuring that riders can achieve their goals, while building friendships and connections with other riders and volunteers.

Tracy also grooms and cares for the horse.

Tracy Lucas receiving her Award

We Are Now A Gold Medal Good Sports Organisation

And the Gold Medal goes to RDA (NSW)! Just letting everyone know we are now a Gold Medal Good Sports organisation.

That means we are ahead of the pack when it comes to being a healthy, safe, inclusive organisation to participate in equine-assisted activities.

What is Good Sports?

Good Sports is Australia’s largest and longest-running health initiative in community sports. A free program for all Australian clubs, Good Sports aims to build stronger communities by championing positive change and helping to create safe and family-friendly organisations that thrive.

Gold Medal accreditation

Being a Gold Medal member means we have supportive, effective policies and action plans in place


Alcohol practicesIllegal drugs
Licensing requirementsMental health
PromotionSafe transport
Tobacco managementSupporting junior members

We’re a proud Gold Medal Good Sports organisation! The Good Sports program:

  • Makes our organisation stronger by reducing risky drinking and creating healthy environments.
  • Brings in riders, volunteers and sponsors who are attracted to our strong organisation, community spirit and family-friendly values.
  • Gives us free access to program staff, tools and resources to make our organisation the best place it can be.
  • Helps us comply with legal requirements.

Help spread the word

The more people know and understand about our Good Sports Gold Medal accreditation, the better it is for our organisation. Take a look at the Good Sports website and tell your friends.

RDA (NSW) Celebration of the Anniversary of 50th AGM

On 27 October 2022 RDA (NSW) Celebrated 50 years of operation “providing horse-related activities to enrich the lives of people with disabilities”. On Saturday 6 May 2023 RDA (NSW) Celebrated the Anniversary of its 50th AGM. This is truly a magnificent milestone for a volunteer-run charity, and is a testament to the past and current volunteers who have selflessly given their time to help people with disabilities – thank you all for giving so much.

RDA (NSW) 50-year Anniversary ABC Radio interviews with Tracy Lucas and Mikaela Worth

Happy Birthday

Bits N Pieces Spring Summer 2020

Riding for the Disabled struggle to source hay as drought and bushfires continue

Olivia Calver20 Nov 2019, 2:35 p.m.

Wagga RDA head coach, Darren Judd said they are struggling to source hay. Pictured with volunteer Russell Ubrihien and one of the branch’s 16 horses, Barney.

Farmers across the state are feeling the pinch of high fodder costs, but non-government organisation Riding for the Disabled (RDA) say they are also struggling to source enough feed to keep their horses going.

Head coach of the Wagga Wagga RDA branch, Darren Judd said the volunteer organisation received income from the RDA opportunity shop and catering committee but had also been very reliant on local farmers donating a couple of bales of hay at a time.

However, with the drought ongoing it has been harder for farmers to sacrifice any fodder at all.

“When hay sheds are full, people say ‘no problem we’ll give you a couple of bales’, but when hay sheds are getting low and they’ve got stock to feed it’s a different decision, which is fair, we understand that,” Mr Judd said.

He said for the last few months they had only been able to source around two to four weeks of hay at time to feed their 16 horses, meaning they were constantly searching for donations or sponsorship.

The charity not able to access government drought-assistance grants or loans because they are not a farm business.

The horses from the Manning Great Lakes RDA branch at Rainbow Flat were evacuated two days before a bushfire came through. Photo supplied.

Olwen Smith, an RDA NSW Director, said their hay shortage was a state-wide problem and some branches had also been impacted by the recent bush fires.

“The Manning Great Lakes centre was affected by the fires at Rainbow Flat,” Mrs Smith said.

“Their horses firstly were moved to Wingham and then moved onto Taree, wherever they’re safe, but when the horses are moved elsewhere, they still have to be fed,”

She said reducing the number of horses was a last resort for the organisation.

“We would rather give a loan to a branch (for fodder costs) than lose a good RDA horse, because these horses are well trained and hard to come by,” Mrs Smith said.

Mr Judd said the Wagga branch had more than 100 clients a week, aged from five to 50 plus, the program having a huge impact on participants social and physical development.

“It’s not just a pony ride, everything we do is to help the clients with their various disabilities,” Mr Judd said.

“It works on their social skills, muscle tone, fine motor skills, even just the interaction between our riders and our volunteers.”

Lillian Macquarie, 13, is just one of the RDA Wagga participants to see the benefits of the program.

Her mum, Lizzie Macquarie said Lillian had been coming to RDA for more than six years.

“Lillian has two forms of epilepsy, one form of which causes her to have up to 80 seizures a day,” Ms Macquarie said.

“But, we’ve found when she’s on the horse she has no activity, so it gives her brain a bit of a break from it.”

Ms Macquarie said in these circumstances they were appreciative of any support RDA received.

“Without donations we simply cease to exist,” she said.

  • Get in touch with your local RDA branch to see how you can help.